My Coach has Favorites From a Coach's Perspective

Do you have favorite foods? Favorite Songs? Favorite Colors? Of course you do, and so does each individual person. Some may have things on their list of favorites that are common, but rarely do any two people have the same complete list of "favorites". So it goes with soccer coaches,  Of course coaches will have favorites as far as players go- but from my own experience, and the experiences I have had with qualified colleagues- that "status" usually has developed from the good interactions the coach has had with that player over a period of time. 

The traits that make a player a coach's favorite will vary from coach to coach, just like your personal preference to foods, colors, song etc. Each coach will have his/her own preferences or ideals that make a player a "favorite" You hear all the time of a player being on a team that they felt the coach "didn't like" them and then the same player having a completely different experience on a different team. My best advice is not dwell to much on who is or is not the favorite, if its fair or if it is not fair, and reasons why you feel that way.  Following is a list I compiled from my own experience as a coach at all levels U8 through Womens Semi-Pro, and a few colleagues of all different personalities, nationalities and gender who I feel are all good coaches. The list is a general guide that all agreed their "favorite"  player embodied, day in and day out, games and in training, in school and off the field.  Keep in mind, this is general.  It would be wise for you as a player to learn the things your particular coach is looking for out of players and spend some time and energy applying those to your game as well. 

1. EFFORT: No matter the circumstance, score, or anything other factors. Coaches like players who put forth their best effort 100% of the time, and work even harder after a mistake is made. 

2. ATTITUDE: " Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference." Leave your ego at the curb before you enter the pitch, be ready to work and in training and games, and be corrected from time to time.  Coaches appreciate players who are willing to take criticism and direction without talking back, or even saying, "I know" when a coach is giving instruction. Clearly you don't know if the coach is having to explain it again. 

3. RESPECT: Nothing drives a coach more crazy then when she is trying to organize and explain a new exercise or talk to the team during half-time and players are not listening and goofing off, and instructions have to be repeated. Coaches love players who can show respect and discipline when its time to listen and learn. 

4. COACHABILITY: No coach likes a player who shows up thinking they know it all, or are the worlds best player and they don't need any help. The best players realize there is always more to learn and that the coach is a good resource for further development and will help them refine skills, learn new ones and develop good habits. 

5. ASK GOOD QUESTIONS: If you don't understand something a coach has explained, and you nod your head "YES" when coach asks, "did you get that" that will frustrate your coach faster than anything. If you don't get it, respectfully ask for clarification. That will show the coach you are focused and really trying to do things the way they requested.  It is better to ask and get it right, then think you understand and get it wrong.