How many times has something not gone the way you expected? Maybe it was better, maybe worse? Maybe not good or bad, just different than you has thought it would be. Sports have a way of providing many opportunities for this type of experience- there are lots of variables involved and lots of twists and turns. As we conclude this "soccer year" many families and players are looking back and evaluating the past year of soccer experiences, practices, games and coaches and clubs and teammates, the list can go on and on. Plans are being made for the new soccer year and expectations are being formed. Changes will be occuring in some way in your soccer world, and your players soccer world, in some way, shape or form. If you live in Utah, get used to doing this every May :) It can be a very unnerving time for all involved, yes I mean ALL- even us soccer coaches!!
I am hoping just to spread a little light on what things look like as far as expectations go, from a coaching perspective. Hope this helps you all as you navigate this next month and every May for years to come.
What coaches expect from players is usually pretty similar, especially at a competitive level of sports. There are key things coaches know need to happen to create an environment for growth and development that will lead to success. Things like, 100% commitment, hard work, coachability, competitive mentality, attendance to trainings, games, team events are just basic things most all coaches will expect from their players.
From parents, coaches expect support. Really that is what it is all about. Parents support their player. It's the Coaches job to set expectations high and expect the team to win, it's the parents to support the player, and the coach. This requires trust, the parents must trust that the coach knows best when it comes to decisions about practices, game day decisions, line-ups, playing time, and other things regarding the big picture of the team. Let your player hear you supporting the coach in these decisions. You may not agree with all coaches decisions, all the time but don't let your player/child hear you discuss that with other parents, or don't have those conversations with your player.
As a parent you should expect that your player works hard and does their best to learn what that coach is asking them to do, you can expect the coach to do all they can to provide an environment of growth, development and enjoyment. And finally you can expect to be the best support you can be for your player, and your players coach.
Hope this helps you get through May, and have a wonderful year of soccer in 2018-2019!!